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пятница, 5 февраля 2016 г.

"Орешек знаний".Учимся дистанционно 5 февраля

Английский язык
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William Goes to the Zoo
William likes to visit Town Zoo. He would like to go to the Zoo every day. He likes animals very much.It is Sunday . William and his friend Tim don`t go to school. They go to the Zoo.
 In the Zoo they see a lot of animals. They are bears and foxes, giraffes and crocodiles, kangarooes and elephants. The animals are big and small. They are nice and funny. They can run, jump and swim. Some animals like to eat meat, cabbage, carrots, corn,oranges and apples. Some of them are kind and lazy.
 William comes home. He takes his album. He would like to draw the animals in the Zoo. The crocodile is long and green. It has got a strong tail and big angry teeth. The giraffe is big and strong but kind. His neck is long and his ears are funny. The grey elephant is big and kind. It likes to ride boys and girls. William`s pictures are very nice.

Words to the text
animals- животные
very much- очень
some of them — некоторые из них
to come - приходить
to draw- рисовать
album- альбом
учебник стр.23 № 6,7,8.
Литературное чтение
чтение книги Марк Твен “Приключения Тома Сойера”

Читать он-лайн   http://book-online.com.ua/read.php?book=331
Русский язык
фонетический разбор слов- детская, высказывания


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